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Ensures that Quality is not compromised at any stage of Recruitment.
Ensures that Quality is not compromised at any stage of Recruitment.
Ensures that Quality is not compromised at any stage of Recruitment.

Finding Out Right Person For The Right Job at The Right Time
Trust India Solution offers a wide-running labor arrangement crosswise over various dimensions of positions in various ventures. We are a standout amongst the most prestigious and the biggest arranged administration expert organization of India with specialization in giving enrollment answers for all dimensions and branches. We are rich with Smarter Talent Resources, prepared expertly under our industry-best direction methodologies. Offering a full and far-reaching administration, we are trusted by our customers to convey the best competitors accessible to meet their enlistment through all straightforward consultancy philosophies. Trust India Solution is the best job consultancy near me. We are one of the reputed free job placement consultancies in Kolkata.
The primary point of Trust India Solution is to place the right competitors at the opportune time for the correct Job.
What We Do
Talent Acquisition
Recruitment, RPO, Bulk Hiring
- Permanent Recruitment
- Bulk/Project/Turnkey Hiring
- Executive Search
- Campus Recruitment
- Recruitment Process Outsourcing
- International Placements
Talent Creation
Skill Development, Train & Hire
- Government Projects
- Corporate Partnerships
- Skills as CSR
- Skills in Schools
- Train & Hire
- Campus Programs
Talent Management
Staffing, Temp / Flexi Hiring
- Flexible Workforce
- Contract Hiring
- Contract to Hire
- Staff Augmentation
- Compliance Management
- HR Consulting
TIS Consultants is committed to providing integrated solutions that our clients can confidently use to manage today’s and future.
To be a Facilitator for the Development of Human Resources. Our center business is to “Upgrade your enrollment procedure and cut down your expense of enlistment”. Advance and actualize compelling HR systems drawing out the concealed gifts, aptitudes and possibilities of HR. Encouraging their gainful and submitted relationship with the association.
To give imaginative and selective Staffing arrangements in zones of different industry verticals that empower our clients to meet their….….